Behind the Lens: A Day in the Life of Stephanie Selby Photography


Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at Stephanie Selby Photography‘s unique approach to senior photoshoots! At our studio, we believe in giving our clients an unforgettable and luxurious experience from start to finish. Join us as we take you through a typical day in our “Model for the Day” program, where every senior gets the star treatment.

Preparation and the Day’s Arrival:

Before the big day, Stephanie will meet with each client for a style and concept consultation. We discuss their vision, personality, and interests to tailor the photoshoot to their individuality. Together, we select outfits that reflect their style and complement the chosen locations in Charleston. When the day of the photoshoot arrives, you are the focus of all of our attention! We dedicate the entire day exclusively to you, ensuring you feel pampered and celebrated throughout the experience.

Hair and Makeup:

Our clients start their day in the capable hands of our professional hair and makeup artists. We believe that feeling confident and beautiful is essential for capturing stunning portraits, so we spare no effort in making sure our clients look and feel their absolute best.

The Photoshoot Unfolds:

Once hair and makeup are complete, it’s time to hit the streets of Charleston! With a curated selection of locations in mind, we embark on a journey to capture the essence of our client’s personality against the backdrop of this charming city. Throughout the photoshoot, our team is there every step of the way. We provide gentle guidance on posing and expression, ensuring our clients feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. Don’t worry; we have you covered when it comes to posing. We know it can be tricky, but we will guide you, ensuring you look and feel your best.

From Location to Location:

Charleston offers a plethora of picturesque settings, from cobblestone streets to lush gardens and historic landmarks. We move seamlessly from one location to another, capturing a diverse range of images that showcase the city’s beauty and our client’s individuality.

Creating Lasting Memories:

As the day draws to a close, we reflect on the moments shared and memories created during the photoshoot. Our clients leave with more than just photographs—they leave with a sense of empowerment, confidence, and pride in who they are.

At Stephanie Selby Photography, our passion extends beyond the art of photography. We strive to create an unforgettable experience that celebrates the unique journey of each senior as they transition into the next chapter of their lives.

Thank you for joining us behind the lens and experiencing a day in the life of Stephanie Selby Photography. Follow along on Instagram for more updates!

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